Come Alive
Immersive Retreat Experience
‘The glory of God is people fully alive’Saint Iranaeus

An Invitation
We’re inviting young adults between the ages of 18-35 to be part of a new collaborative retreat opportunity that is being led by the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn, Missionaries of God’s Love and Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community.
What is the Come Alive Retreat?
Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!
Pope Francis
This Retreat is a stand-alone event, but for those who want to explore the topics of the day in greater depth, we are offering a new faith formation program for young adults called Made for More, which will be launched in 2023.
Experiences are fundamental in shaping us.
This is as true about our future as it is about our past. Envisioning a future marked by a divine purpose can help us towards becoming the kind of person that we want to be. We also need to have a strong desire to enter into the kinds of spaces and experiences that will produce the kind of future we ultimately desire.
The Inner Voice of Love
This retreat invites you on a journey of self-discovery and will immerse you in ancient spiritual practices that will help bring more focus and clarity to your life. Various leaders from across the Archdiocese will offer thought-provoking inputs and facilitate discussions on surrendering to God, work, marriage, discernment and personal vocation. There will also be generous amounts of time given over to your own individual processing and reflection.
God wants a relationship with us.
This relationship can be explored and nurtured in many ways, especially by prayer. In our relationship with God, not only can we bring our experiences – thoughts, feelings and actions – into heartfelt conversation with Him, but we are also invited to allow God to respond to this deep sharing of ourselves.
Meet our Leaders.
Growing in the Art of Prayer & Discernment
Adrian Wellspring |Spiritual Director & Retreat Facilitator
Essential to discerning the deeper purpose of our lives is the interplay between our thoughts, emotions and the grace of God.
Introducing Adrian Wellspring
Developing a Theology of Work & Rest
Fr Anthony Percy |Vicar General + Parish Priest
The meaning and value of work goes beyond just producing a good or delivering a service. It also has a big role in shaping our character. And this character-building aspect is essential to developing a Christian spirituality of work.
Introducing Father Tony Percy VG
Enriching your life through relationships.
Lara Kirk |Marriage, Family and Relationships Team
Key to leading a successful life, is the need for successful relationships and at the core of this is Jesus’ invitation to us: learning how to love, and be loved.
Introducing Lara Kirk
The Grace of Surrender
Fr Ken Barker MGL |Moderator of the Missionaries of God’s Love
Surrendering our lives to God’s love is the surest way for us to live them as fully as we can. When we grasp this truth, we gain more clarity and direction about where the Lord is leading us.
Introducing Fr Ken Barker MGL
It’s time to bring it all together. Want to Come Alive in 2022? Check out the details below or follow the links to register now.
Retreat: Saturday 15 October 2022 (9:00am – 6:30pm)
Registration: Close Wednesday 12 October 2022
Venue: Youth With A Mission Canberra, 76 Federal Highway, Watson ACT 2602
Who: Young adults aged 18 – 35.
Cost: $20 per person, this includes meals, drinks and resources. Payment can be made on the day.